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M.S.936 Arts Off 3rd

Dance Audition Requirements



Students who are interested in Dance Talent at MS 936 should submit a video of themselves performing a dance in a style of their choice, ranging from 1-2 minutes.  Please choose something that you feel showcases your skills as a dancer. 



  • Applicants may choose to perform with or without music. 

  • The video may be shot either horizontally or vertically, but please make sure the whole body can be seen. 

  • In addition, please send in a solo piece as there should not be other dancers sharing the space with the applicant.

  • Remember to treat this as a performance and to keep in mind not just the technical aspects, but also expression and the overall feeling of the piece.


Please create the video as follows:

  1. Say your first and last name.

  2. Say your student ID number (OSIS number).

  3. Tell us what song you will be performing to (if using music) and what style.

  4. Tell us about yourself and why you want to come to MS 936 for dance.

  5. Perform your dance.


Email your video to your account

Dance Rubric  Translation:  Spanish       Chinese

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